- Know, understand and manage your OHS,Employment Law and Workers Compensation obligations and responsibilities
- Reduce your exposure to claims and litigation
- Protect your business reputation
- Establish policies to promote acceptable standards of behaviour
- Establish a framework to manage employees ranging from pre-employment to termination
- Improve employee health and well-being
- Improve workforce morale
- Establish a healthy and safe workplace environment
- Create a culture where employees feel safe and valued
- Involve employees in work arrangements which have OHS implications
- Create a stress free work environment
- Establish guidelines to manage complaints
- Reduce workplace conflict
- Identify and reduce the "stressors" in the work environment
- Checklists to rate current work arrangements
- Preventative strategies for “high risk” work arrangements
- Six "essential" employment law policies to "cut and paste" and implement
- Various procedures to support policies and promote acceptable standards of management behaviour
- Case studies to compare
- Narration of key legal principles and aspects of the law
- Sample letters to improve communication with stakeholders
- Up to date subscriptions for latest changes to the law
- Reduce workers compensation premiums
- Improve productivity and profitability
- Reduce sickness and absenteeism rates
- Improve claims performance and outcomes
- Enhance defence in common law claims
- Reduce risk of OHS prosecution, fine or penalty
- Reduce exposure to claims at common law
- Branding and Badging
- Market and advertise services and products
- Training and Awareness Programmes
- Additional modules for industry specific needs
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